Dealing with supply chain management issues running a business at home
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Running A Small Business From Home: How To Deal With Supply Chain Management Issues

  • General News
  • 22nd September 2021

Running a small business from home is the new normal. While many people assume this arrangement is easy, there are still things you need to prepare for – especially in supply chain management. Your remote working capabilities need to be optimised. Only diligent management strategies will suffice. Take the unstable economy into account and how much your extra efforts will bolster your chances of success.

So, what type of things should you keep in mind here? We have provided some suggestions to help.

Enhance Communication

Communication breakdowns can disrupt business operations immeasurably. Therefore, you need to make sure channels are open and that people are talking.

Try to establish meaningful business relationships. Know that communication is often the basis of many workplace efforts, so ensure the chain manager values these qualities. Nurture a dialogue where the confidence of employees can be boosted.

Communication can improve the speed of your supply chain, especially with software for supply chain personnel. Workers will develop a rapport and work harder for one another. Standards can be set, tips around best practices can be passed on, and every level of the supply chain can thrive under a clear consensus.

Research Potential Problems

It’s not easy to be a supply chain manager today. Brace yourself for challenging times ahead.

Research all the problems supply chain managers are facing during the pandemic. For example, chips are in short supply in the technology sector, while the Food & Sustainability sector is experiencing major disruption too. Try to mitigate any problems you find however you can. Read about natural disasters and transportation failures that may affect you too.

Communicate these problems efficiently with the rest of your team. Your entire business needs to be prepared, rather than just yourself. Work closely with logistics partners, and brainstorm practical countermeasures you can implement. Implement cybersecurity technologies for the best digital protection possible.

Clear Space

All home businesses need enough space to work. You should do your best to optimise your workflow however possible, and your environment can play a crucial part in that.

Explore the storage options from Safestore and create space via their services. Temporarily put parts of your home into storage and create an efficient business environment instead. Trust that your items will be safe and secure in professional care. Enjoy the flexible and affordable offerings that are available here.

Think about where the best location might be in your home for your work environment. Try to create distance between yourself and any other homeworkers you live with. Be assured that you can get your items out of storage whenever you like should you change your mind about your arrangements.

Be Prepared to Work Overtime

Don’t burn yourself out, but try to stay proactive past the typical 9-5 hours if possible. If you’re unable to, ensure some backup personnel are working to cover any potential problems that may arise.

Work extra hard when building up your inventory, identifying backup suppliers, and conducting vulnerability audits. Assess risk evaluation tools and integrate them into the business naturally. Keeping pushing your supply chain management strategies as far as they can go.

Seek out improvements wherever they immerge and gauge feedback from customers and colleagues. Ask challenging questions that provoke revealing answers. The supply chain needs to run smoothly, but it can only do so if you’re constantly working hard.


Flexibility is your most important asset when managing a supply chain from home. Utilise your freedom in working from home, and research all the resources that can support you in your journey. Rally your team and build a teamworking company culture. Be creative in your problem-solving approaches, and be prepared to go the extra mile. Take pandemic factors into account also, and prepare for every eventuality.

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