IoSCM’s tutor team is populated by some of the industry’s finest talents. All experts within their field, they will provide preparation for your distance learning experience, assistance with your qualification and support throughout the completion of each unit. Each of our tutors is a specialist in a particular sector of the industry, giving our team a strong understanding of what’s needed to succeed within every field.
You will receive unlimited one-to-one support, guidance and feedback from IoSCM’s industry expert tutor team, with communication through a range of methods including Whatsapp, Skype, Facetime, text, email and phone.
About our Level 2 Logistics and Transport Tutor
- Over 20 years’ experience in logistics and transport management
- Level 7 qualified
- CPC qualified
- Education in Training Level 4 Certificate
What they have to say:
“I love using my past job roles and the skills gained from them to design and develop IoSCM’s course materials. Implementing real-life experience into our qualifications ensures we’re of the highest standard and hugely valuable to the industry.”
Get in touch with us on 0800 1422 522 to find out more.

Don’t just take our word for it; we’re trusted by thousands of businesses who have employees studying our distance learning courses, in 101 countries across the globe. From entry-level personnel to senior managers, we’re securing the future of the logistics and transport industry by delivering fully accredited UK qualifications.

Our network of experts expands beyond our tutors. Opportunities to network worldwide are available through the IoSCM Members’ Area, allowing you to build professional relationships and share experience and expertise with other professionals and organisations on a global scale.
Becoming a Member of the Institute of Supply Chain Management provides students and businesses with access to a range of services designed to support professional development and maintain high standards within the industry.