Good hygiene is integral to warehouse efficiency in peak season
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5 reasons why hygiene is integral to warehouse efficiency this Christmas

  • General News
  • 2nd December 2020

Coronavirus means we’ve all had to adapt to changing consumer trends, as well as implement more hygiene measures. Barry Crackett, Product Designer at Brushtec, shares his insight into how cleaning can increase productivity for warehouse operators.

2020 has been a year of overcoming challenges for many businesses along the supply chain. As a result of Covid-19 and the second national lockdown, more people are shopping online (IMRG) and consumers are prepared to spend that bit extra to make Christmas more special (Kinetic). So, we need to be prepared for this festive season to be even busier than usual.

The pandemic has also forced us to put even more of an emphasis on cleanliness, and it is now a legal obligation for businesses to have adequate cleaning procedures in place. And, with temporary, seasonal staff and more orders to fulfil, you’ll need to be extra stringent. Fortunately, these measures can also help boost warehouse productivity.

Below, I’ll take you through some of the ways cleaning can make your warehouse more efficient this Christmas.

It can make your machinery more efficient

Cleaning is important for protecting machinery such as forklifts and smart warehouse technology from damage and general wear. Your machines will perform better if they are free from build-ups of grime or rust, increasing the efficiency of your warehouse operations. It can even help them last longer, saving you money on repairs and replacements.

It protects employees from illness and sickness

Making sure your warehouse is free from germs and bacteria can also go a long way towards increasing warehouse efficiency. It means your staff are less likely to spread colds, cases of flu, and other seasonal illnesses, so you’ll see a decrease in sick days and other absences. In addition, it can also help keep COVID-19 at bay. If any of your staff members contract the virus, the whole team will have to self-isolate, which can significantly impact your productivity. You can help prevent this by taking steps to keep your warehouse clean.

It can facilitate more productive movement

A cleaner environment that is tidy and free from obstacles will allow your employees and machinery to move more easily across the warehouse floor. By making sure you have plenty of waste receptacles to dispose of packaging and other loose items, you can eliminate trip hazards and keep things running smoothly. You may also want to consider one-way systems and designated paths for different operations or teams, as well as briefing your staff on the importance of keeping communal areas clear.

It meets COVID-19 guidelines

The last thing you need during such a busy period is to be fined or even forced to close for breaching COVID-19 measures, and a thorough cleaning schedule in line with coronavirus guidelines can help prevent this. In addition to wiping down machinery and surfaces, staff should be encouraged to social distance and wash their hands regularly. So, you’ll need to consider implementing sanitising stations and providing the correct PPE for your employees.

It contributes to customer and client confidence

Not only does cleaning protect your employees, but it can also boost their morale. Providing a more pleasant work environment can make your workforce feel more valued and confident, as well as motivating them to work harder towards company goals. Plus, it can improve your reputation, which will wow clients and customers, hopefully leading to more business beyond Christmas.

These are just some of the ways that thorough cleaning can help increase the efficiency of your warehouse, even during the pandemic. Bear them in mind, and you’re sure to experience a productivity boost this Christmas.

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